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Workshop on Sonic Interactions in Virtual Environments

Stefania Serafin, Rolf Nordahl, Cumhur Erkut and Amalia De Goetzen will run a workshop entitled “ Sonic Interaction for virtual environments” during the IEEE Virtual Reality Conference on March 30th, 2014 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Sonic interaction design is defined as the study and exploitation of sound as one of the principal channels conveying information, meaning, and aesthetic/emotional qualities in interactive contexts. This field lies at the intersection of interaction design and sound and music computing.

In the virtual reality community, the focus on research in topics related to auditory feedback hasbeen rather limited when compared, for example, to the focus placed on visual feedback or even on haptic feedback. However, in communities such as the film community or the product sound design community it is well known that sound is a powerful way to communicate meaning and emotion to a scene or a product.

The main goal of this workshop is to increase among the virtual reality community the awareness of the importance of sonic elements when designing virtual environments. We will also discuss how research in other related fields such as film sound theory, product sound design, sound and music computing, game sound design and computer music can inform designers of virtual reality environments.

Moreover, the workshop will feature state of the art research on the field of sound for virtual environments.

We expect participants to submit a research paper (4 to 6 pages in using IEEE template) outlining their current research in the field of interactive sound for virtual environments.

Topics can include, but are not limited to:

1) Sound synthesis and design for virtual environments

2) Sound modelling and rendering for virtual environments

3) Sound spatialisation

4) Headphones and speakers reproduction

5) Gestural control of sound in virtual reality

6) Multisensory (audio-visual), (audio-haptics) interactions

7)Evaluation of user experience and sound quality

The proceedings of the workshop will be published by IEEE Press and the best contributions will be published in the special issue of a journal (to be finalised).

Aalborg University Conference on "Applied Digital Game Research"

We would like to invite you to the first Aalborg University Conference on “Applied Digital Game Research”, Tuesday the 3rd of December. The conference is open 9:00-12:00 for everyone interested in games research and development.

Please see the tentative schedule here and sign up (at the end of the doc) here:
Place: Aalborg University Copenhagen, Frederikskaj 10A, 2450 København. Room 0.108
Time: Tuesday December 3rd from 9:00-12:00

Please save the date, and we are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible.
If you are researching games, and are interested in participating with a short 5 minutes presentation of your latest research, there is still time to participate – and you are very welcome to contact us here: Henrik Schønau Fog <hsf@create.aau.dk>.

All the best,
Henrik Schønau Fog, Lars Reng og Thorkild Hanghøj
Aalborg Universitet

Invited Talk by Julian Togelius: Replacing game designers with an algorithm

On Wednesday the 4th of December at 2:30, Julian Togelius will give a talk on artificial intelligence for adaptation and procedural content generation in computer games. The title of the talk will be “Replacing game designers with an algorithm”, it will be given in room 4.058 (the small lecture room on the 4th floor of A.C. Meyers Vænge 15).

Julian Togelius is associate professor at the IT University Of Copenhagen. His research aims to make computer games adapt to their players through finding out what players want (whether they know it or not) and creating new game levels, challenges or rules that suit the players.
Related to this, is the challenge of making sense of large amounts of data generated by computer games, and on assisting human game designers in creating great game experiences. He is also working on how to make opponents and collaborators more intelligent and believable, research that has applications far outside of computer games. Additionally, He is working on some more theoretical topics in learning and optimisation.

Evangelia Triantafyllou and Olga Timcenko present paper at ICCE 2013

Evangelia Triantafyllou and Olga Timcenko are presenting a paper at the 21st International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2013).

The paper: Evangelia Triantafyllou and Olga Timcenko, “Developing Digital Technologies for Undergraduate University Mathematics: Challenges, Issues and Perspectives”, The 21st International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2013), 18 – 23 November 2013, Bali, Indonesia.

See more about the conference here: http://icce2013bali.org

Medialogy Presentations and Workshops at Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling

At the Sixth International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling in Istanbul, Turkey, November 6-9, 2013 – Media Technology, Copenhagen is participating with three presentations and three workshops. Read more here: ICIDS 2013  [http://gamesandnarrative.net/icids2013/]


Luis Emilio Bruni and Sarune Baceviciute:
Narrative Intelligibility and Closure in Interactive Systems

Arne Grinder-Hansen and Henrik Schoenau-Fog:
The Elements of a Narrative Environment

Sebastian Hurup Bevensee and Henrik Schoenau-Fog:
Conceptualizing Productive Interactivity in Emergent Narratives


Bjoern F. Temte, Morgan Jarl, and Henrik Schoenau-Fog:
Edularp: Teaching, Learning and Engaging through Roleplay and Interactive Narratives

Noam Knoller, Henrik Schoenau-Fog, and Udi Ben Arie:
Interactive Digital Storytelling: Practice, Impact and Aesthetics

Sebastian Hurup Bevensee and Henrik Schoenau-Fog:
The Possibilities of Implementing Productive Interactivity in Emergent Narratives

Justyna Maculewicz presented two posters at CMMR '13

Justyna Maculewicz has presented two posters at this years International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR) Sound, Music and Motion in Marseille.

The title of the posters are: 

  1. ‘Following tempo on an exercising bike with and without auditory feedback’
  2. ‘Auditory and visual cues for spatiotemporal rhythm reproduction’

See the online proceedings here: http://www.cmmr2013.cnrs-mrs.fr/Docs/CMMR2013Proceedings.pdf

Paper at the international "Future and Reality of Gaming" in Vienna

Daniel Langhoff Nielsen and Henrik Schønau-Fog presented a paper at the international “Future and Reality of Gaming” annual games conference in Vienna.

The paper “In the Mood for Horror – A Game Design Approach on Investigating Absorbing Player Experiences in Horror Games” will appear in the conference proceedings later this year.
Conference website: http://frogvienna.at/en/

Evangelia Triantafyllou and Olga Timcenko presented paper at IRSPBL 2013

Evangelia Triantafyllou and Olga Timcenko presented a paper at the 4th International Research Symposium on Problem Based Learning – PBL Across Cultures, in Malaysia.

The paper was: Evangelia Triantafyllou and Olga Timcenko, “Applying Constructionism and Problem Based Learning for Developing Dynamic Educational Material for Mathematics At Undergraduate University Level”, 4th International Research Symposium on Problem Based Learning – PBL Across Cultures, 2 – 3 July 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Evangelia Triantafyllou and Olga Timcenko presented paper at EAEEIE

Evangelia Triantafyllou and Olga Timcenko presented a paper at the 24th Annual Conference for the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering in Chania, Greece.

The paper was: Evangelia Triantafyllou and Olga Timcenko, “Developing digital technologies for university mathematics by applying participatory design methods”, 24th EAEEIE Annual Conference, 30 – 31 May, 2013, Chania, Greece.