Section 75 Agreement Learning Disability

Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LPFT) provides a number of services to help people with mental disabilities in the community. There is an agreement under Section 75 (Health and Social Care Act 2006) between Lincolnshire County Council and the Health Authority that The Learning Disability Service teams perform certain health-related functions on behalf of the Health Authority. The health authority contributes to the budget for the care of adults for learning disabilities in order to finance it. They provide specialized health support to people with mental disabilities who require assessment and/or treatment for their physical or mental health, including behaviour of concern. The service works with adults over the age of 18 who are diagnosed with learning disabilities and associated physical and/or psychological health needs that are registered with a Lincolnshire GP. Practitioners of the Learning Disability Community Team can make recommendations by filling out the Learning Disability Service`s recommendation form, in conjunction with reading the Recommendation Advice on the Learning Disability Service. Most adult care is generic; However, some procedures for the Learning Disability Service differ from other areas of adult care. This section focuses on specific areas of work for learning difficulties. The service works with service users, families, social services and health partners to enable adults with disabilities to learn who lives in Lincolnshire to properly care for themselves in the right place at the right time. The four community centres offer an integrated multidisciplinary approach to helping people with mental disabilities. Each centre has specialized nurses, psychology, nurses and mental health, psychiatry, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech and speech therapy, and specialized liaison nurses for people with autism.

“The Lincolnshire Learning Disability Partnership Board is working to make things better for people with mental disabilities and their families in Lincolnshire.” (LLDPB). For more information, visit the Lincolnshire Learning Disability Partnership Board website. All references are made by the Single Access Point (SPA) (see Local Contacts). The Council and the East London Foundation Trust in Tower Hamlets have long concluded agreements on the provision of integrated services for mental health and learning disabilities.