Mai Agreement

This document consolidates the text of the agreement, which will be discussed in the MAI negotiations. The texts presented here come mainly from the work of expert groups and have not been accepted by the negotiating group. Negotiations were suspended in April 1998. negotiating tax agreements or other international agreements relating, in part or in full, to the taxation or participation of a government in the work of international organizations; During the approval of the negotiations, the OECD Council of Ministers set itself the goal of achieving a “broad multilateral framework for international investment, with high standards for the liberalisation of investment regimes and the protection of investments and effective dispute settlement procedures.” [6] The aim was to create more harmonised, secure and stable investment conditions and to regulate investments in a more coherent, transparent and enforceable manner. Although the agreement is negotiated between Member States, an open agreement should be concluded to which non-OECD members can join on a negotiating basis. [3] To underline the importance of this friendly proposal, it should be kept in mind that there are no such private rights against governments for international enforcement procedures within the powerful and far-reaching World Trade Organization, created by the Uruguayan GATT cycle. The WTO secretariat, 50 years of GATT`s history and a large majority of WTO members, strongly support the principle that only national governments should have rights over international agreements. If the necessary appointments have not been agreed within the time frames set out in paragraph (a), one of the parties or the dispute resolution body may, without further agreement, ask the Secretary General of the Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes to make the necessary appointments. The Secretary-General does so, as far as possible, in consultation with the parties to the dispute and within 30 days of receiving the application. Agreement: MAI commitments should not renew NT/MFN obligations in existing IP agreements. Knowing that the right salaries and investments for investors will contribute to the efficient use of economic resources, job creation and improved living standards; It is also an effort in several other areas to negotiate comprehensive, high-value investment agreements.